Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bad Science - 2 - D:Ream, Things Can Only Get Better

"Things can only get better 
Can only get, can only get 
They get on from here 
You know, I know that 
Things can only get better"

D:ream, Things Can Only Get Better

In 1994, D:ream sang that "Things can only get better...", this is excusable as a catchy line in a pop song but in their midst was the man who would later become the high priest of physics - Dr Brian Cox.

As Dr Brian well knew things can, quite literally, only get worse. Due to a thing called entropy, given the symbol, S.

Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system and for any closed system, the higher the entropy the higher the disorder. 

So for a closed system like the universe, total entropy must always increase, in other words, disorder can only increase, so things can only get worse.

Did the D:ream lead singer know any better? Did the D:ream lead singer care? I suspect not, after all, this was his one shot fame.

On the other hand Dr Brian, the beautiful smiling face of popular science, definitely knew better but as he was consigned to plonking away at the keyboards in the background (he is barely visible in the video above; and if you look at the picture below, it is not hard to see why the camera didn't focus in on him, he is on the far right) I suspect he didn't really have a say in it.

Brian Cox (far right) then... 


  ....and now

So Brian, things don't get better, they invariably get worse, except for haircuts, which do appear to have improved over time.

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