Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bad Science - 1 - Busted, Year 3000

"I've been to the year three thousand
not much has changed but they lived under water,
and your great great great grand daughter,
is pretty fine"
Busted, that multitalented boy band from the early 2000s may not have really thought their lyrics through when they wrote this song abut time travel but their sloppiness regarding their exploits in the future really grate on me. The chorus (above) has two signficant inaccuracies, lets handle them one at a time.
"...your great great great grand daughter, is pretty fine" - Lets think this through, assuming that the great, great, great grandfather in this song was 25 when the song was released (about 2003), and assuming that he had a child at 30 and that all his descendants had children at 30. That would mean he would become a grandfather at 60, a great grandfather at 90 etc. So that his great, great, great grandaughter would have been born when he was 120 in the year 2098. She would have hit 25 in 2123. In which case in the year 3000 she will be 877 years old. Not an age at which most women are generally regarded as "pretty fine"
"...not much has changed but they lived under water..." - Now, I am not an expert on underwater life but I am pretty sure that if we did live underwater you couldn't describe it as "nothing much has changed". In fact I can barely think of any bigger changes than living underwater. If life underwater was like life above water then fish would look much more humanoid then they do.
Busted thanks for the catchy tune but next time think through your lyrics

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