Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is it just me or does Rumpelstiltskin look like the hazard symbol for an oxidising agent? (CH5)

Rumpelstitskin                             Oxidising Agent Hazard Symbol

Anyway, back to the science, the best oxidising agent has the most positive standard electrode potential

e.g. Iodine will oxidise anything that is a worse oxidising agent than it. Which is all those with a value of less positive than +0.54v.

When deciding whether things will oxidise things you must compare oxidising capabilities. If you turn the value around you are not comparing like with like. You would effectively be comparing oxidising ability with reducing ability, which makes no sense.

So when deciding what different elements can oxidise look at the values as stated, as the values show the strength of the species as an oxidising agent.

If the question is "What can this species oxidise?"the answer is the name of the more reduced species e.g. Cu, Ni and Fe not Cu2+, Ni2+ or Fe 2+ as that is what would be oxidised.

To finish, a top Shrek quote...

Gingerbread Man: Okay, I'll tell you... Do you know... the Muffin Man?
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingerbread Man: The Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: Yes, I know the Muffin Man. W-who lives down on Drury Lane?
Gingerbread Man: Well, she's married to the Muffin Man...
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingerbread Man: THE MUFFIN MAN!
Lord Farquaad: She's married to the Muffin Man...

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