Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sounds a Bit Fishy (or Naming N-Substituted Amides - CH4)

N-substituted amides are named in two parts (a bit like esters). So lets look at an example

N-methyl ethanamide

If you look at the molecule, it is an ethanamide with a methyl hanging off the Nitrogen

The ethanamide is on the left (with the amide functional group in the middle) and the methyl is hanging off the N of the amide link (hence N-methyl)

If you remember that the chain that is attached to the N is the one which is the "N-...." at the start of the name then that will tell you which chain goes where.

What about working it out from the reactants (i.e. amine and acyl chlorides)

The amine brings in the N so the amine chain will the N-... chain

and the acyl chloride brings in the rest.

TO be honest this rarely come up in CH4 so I wouldn't worry too much about it!

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